Tuesday, May 5, 2009

He Blogs, She Blogs is BACK Mo-Fos!

Here we are, in our new home. What do you think, you like the digs? Of course, Mel from Mommydoodles helped me out, although I designed the header with my limited Scrapblog skillz. This is where the magic is going to happen from now on. Starting next week, Captain Dumbass and I will post our first edition of He Blogs, She Blogs: The Housewarming Edition. But we haven't quite decided on what the first topic should be, so if anyone has any bright ideas, please let us know. What we are looking for is something provocative, eye-opening and/or funny to kick off the new transformation of HBSB.

So come back next Thursday when we will have the first edition all warmed up and ready for you. A nice little shot of bloggy heroine for all of you who have been suffering from HBSB withdrawal.

Are you ready for it?


  1. Ready and waiting for the new HB/SB!

  2. Cannot wait to see how this turns out. It is great that you can now come to one place to see both the He and She.

  3. The dynamic duo, back in action! POW! BIFF! BOOM!

  4. Alright! Been wondering about you guys! I'll link you up on my site!

  5. Hmmmm....Leaving the toilet seat up - yay or nay? Or how about a Mother's Day themed edition on how men and women obsess differently about buying mom stuff or forgetting the whole thing altogether.

  6. Sweet! I can't wait to see what you guys do.


  7. Sounds good. I can't wait for the first post :)

  8. Only if there is no Barry White playing.

  9. I nerver knew you before, but, im ready now! www.bobbygspot.org its debatin time!

  10. This is the first time I have been here. It sure sounds interesting I will follow!

  11. Whoo, hoo! Y'all are back! Now, to think of a question.......

  12. Woo Hooo!!! It;s party time!! (In the captain's case - Peanut Butter Jelly Time! LOL)

    Okay - how about the topic of using the throne in front of your significant other - comfortable or just down right nasty?

  13. Gettin' a new follower! Can't wait to hear your ridiculous, er, valuable points of view! Petra and the Bastard are back! (There you go Captain...keepin it real for you!)

  14. BTW do you really need the word veri?

  15. can't wait for more!


  16. Heh heh. I was wondering how everybody else had that HBSB button...

    You know who the brains of this outfit is.

  17. ooh! Can't wait for next Thursday!!

  18. I don't have to re-submit my topics, do I?

    Also, can you please allow Name/URL for the comment sign-in?


    - Square Peg Guy

  19. Waiting at the edge of my seat...

  20. You guys are all too funny!

    Comments should be all set, now anyone can leave one.

    I kinda like the going potty in front of your spouse issue. Could make for some pretty fun stuff.

    Whatcha think Cap'n?

  21. Two things:

    a) I think you should call it version 2.0 - just because the web 2.0 is supposed to be all interactive and shit, and

    2) I think you should use as many pictures as possible to illustrate your points....especially when referencing anything girl-on-girl, orgies, hot lathery showers, and so on.

    Just here to help :)

  22. I've subscribed to the blog and eagerly await a new week!

  23. Never been readier.

  24. Awwww man!! I have to wait until NEXT Thursday? *grumble grumble* (smile!) That's OK, though, with Hovering Hubby hovering too much this week, it'll be perfect timing for me to read and comment uninterrupted! Loving the new digs for HBSB! :)

  25. So glad you are doing this!! can't wait!

  26. Love the idea to give HBSB it's own space!

  27. Ready and waiting. Next thing, you'll have
    your own morning talk show!
    I have a query to think about...How come MEN
    never hear what you are saying, but they expect
    you to hear from another part of the house, not
    just hear, but come running. Is that a biological programming, or what?

  28. Yay! I love HB/SB. *checking calendar* But hey! It's Sunday! Y'all forgot about Thursday? What's up with that? No post!! LOL

    Welcome back :)

  29. hey, ready if you are. :-)

    something provocative?

    well, here goes: New York City passed an ordinance which stipulates that businesses must offer TWICE the number of facilities in the LADIE's ROOM as it offers in the MEN's ROOM!

    the idea is that women were complaining that their restooms had longer wait-lines than their counterparts had.

    what many businesses did was rather than ADD facilities, they just went ahead and made the restrooms UNISEX.

    the end result? now there are long wit-lines at ALL restrooms., and MEN are starting to complain.

    what's YOUR take on this? {oh, and while you're at it, why DO women take SO long in the restroom?}

  30. Bring it on, kids... I've been having withdrawals!

  31. Way cool, man. Er, and woman.
